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Opinion| Catastrophic Debate Raises Questions over Biden’s Ability to Lead – Dailynewsegypt

“If US President Joe Biden loses the presidential election next November, history will record that it took only 10 minutes to destroy his presidency.” This was the comment of the American news network CNN, which organised the disastrous debate between Biden and former President Donald Trump, knowing that the network is known for its affiliation with the Democrats.

It was evident that a political catastrophe was imminent when the 81-year-old Biden took the stage in Atlanta, just three meters away from former President Donald Trump, setting the stage for what would become the most consequential presidential debate in history.

The candidates are only separated by a few years in age, but the vast discrepancy in physical fitness and mental acuity leans heavily in Trump’s favour by almost a decade. Biden’s unsteady voice and bulging eyes were a stark contrast to Trump’s demeanour. This stark contrast prompted Democratic Party leaders to seriously consider the idea of the president stepping down to salvage his electoral campaign, just ten minutes into the debate. The situation was deemed a disaster, especially since it was Biden himself who initiated the debate, leading some to speculate about a possible conspiracy or betrayal by the White House team that failed to adequately prepare the president.

Without a doubt, Biden’s performance in the recent debate was the least impressive we’ve seen since the televised debates began with John Kennedy and Richard Nixon in 1960.

American presidential experts emphasize the critical importance of the first 30 minutes of a debate. It is during this time that candidates have the opportunity to make a lasting impression. In the case of Badin, those initial moments were enough to reveal his true colours in a truly damaging way.

Indeed, it remains premature to predict the voters’ reactions and the president’s ability to secure his position. While Biden narrowly outperformed Trump on certain matters, the primary objective of swaying the undecided American populace, who frequently determine the outcome of the presidential election, has yet to be accomplished.

During the debate with Trump, it became evident that he possesses exceptional awareness and mental acuity, despite his occasional deliberate falsehoods. This placed his opponent at risk of losing the re-election bid. Trump’s party even began contemplating replacing him two months before the Democratic National Convention. Trump did not shy away from controversial issues; instead, he displayed boldness and, at times, impoliteness. His statement about accepting fair election results leaves room for potentially more challenging scenarios than those witnessed before Biden assumed office four years ago, including the disturbing events that unfolded both outside and inside the US Congress.

Biden’s vocal delivery lacked strength, occasionally fading into a whisper. In contrast, Trump remained articulate, lucid, and composed, especially when addressing key topics like abortion, taxes, and illegal immigration, which are important to American voters.

For instance, Biden mentioned in his reaction to the health care initiative: “We have successfully tackled Medicare,” and then there was a rather extended pause, almost as if he had experienced a momentary lapse in memory. This was the Biden team’s greatest concern. Furthermore, it was not uncommon to observe Biden with his mouth agape.

It proved challenging, from a human perspective, to witness the American president appearing before millions of viewers worldwide on television, grappling with the effects of ageing. Rather than embodying American strength, he evoked feelings of sympathy. The leaks from the president’s team about his severe cold failed to persuade the public of his declining health.

Biden participated in the debate to demonstrate to the vast majority of Americans his ability to lead and his higher level of energy compared to what various news outlets and social media platforms have been discussing. Numerous clips have been circulating showing him stumbling or saluting individuals who are not present. The conclusion of the initial debate left no doubt in anyone’s mind with a single statement: He lacks the capability.

Presidential debates are commonly remembered for the visual moments that stick in the collective public consciousness. A viewer interested only in visual clues would undoubtedly have concluded that Trump was the more dominant figure. The historical record of presidential elections suggests that a candidate who appears strong often outperforms a weaker individual.

A CNN political commentator, Van Jones expressed his admiration for Joe Biden, describing him as a dedicated individual who genuinely cares for his country. However, Jones believes that Biden missed an opportunity to rebuild trust with the nation and his supporters. “It’s time for him to consider a new direction,” Jones added.

Vice President Kamala Harris attempted to enhance Biden’s performance by stating after the debate that although there was a slow start, it ended strongly. She emphasized that Joe Biden is fighting for the American people and is exceptionally strong on substance, policy, and performance. Harris also mentioned that while people can debate style, the substance of the election and the contrast between the candidates is what truly matters. She also criticized Donald Trump for his repeated lies during the debate.

Biden faced a challenge as his standout moments during the 90-minute debate occurred after many viewers had already formed negative opinions about his capabilities. There were instances where he struggled to defend his track record and achievements, failing to counter Trump’s falsehoods effectively. As a result, this prompted Democrats to explore other options.

However, any attempt to replace the president would be without precedent in the contemporary age and may result in factionalism within the party — a scenario that could ultimately work in Trump’s favour, potentially leading to him becoming the second president to secure a non-consecutive second term with surprising ease.

There are hardly any other options available, the White House has made minimal attempts to endorse Harris as the next in line, and she faces significant political challenges of her own. Additionally, there is no prominent Democrat with potential for a future presidential run, such as California Governor Gavin Newsom or Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, who are no longer considered viable candidates.

Previous presidents, such as Obama and Ronald Reagan, have also struggled in debates, but Biden’s performance on Thursday surpasses their mistakes. However, the concern remains that the initial impressions will have a lasting impact on the American voter, regardless of any potential debate reruns.

The primary concern lies in the expectations of the world regarding the outcomes of the upcoming elections featuring two candidates, both of whom are aged over eighty. One candidate has shown signs of losing control over his physical and possibly mental faculties, while the other candidate is known for his belief in treating others with a “Rambois” logic, vowing revenge if he is to succeed.

Dr Hatem Sadek – Professor at Helwan University

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