Egyptian cinema: Analyzing decline, charting path forward
Despite the numerous cinematic productions and various works that have emerged since the beginning of 2024, including high-budget films like “Al-Sarb,” “Awlad Rizk 3,” “Shako,” and “Ahl Al-Kahf,” which have attracted millions of devoted fans of Egyptian cinema both domestically
Honouring heroes: The legacy of martyrdom in Arab cinema
Thousands of martyrs from Gaza and, more recently, southern Lebanon have joined the extensive and honourable list etched in the annals of history. They stand alongside figures like Hamza, Ali, Omar, and Uthman, and the martyrs of Badr, Hattin, Ain
Bedier, Fouad, Labib, and Khorshid: Artists on the Frontline
The October War of 1973 stands as a significant milestone in the Arab-Israeli conflict, showcasing the remarkable courage and sacrifice of Egyptian soldiers. Among the heroes who played a pivotal role in shaping the narrative of victory are notable figures
‘House of the Dragon’ was inspired by the chaos of the Middle Ages, a world without law and order – Dailynewsegypt
Students in my medieval history courses often wonder whether historical reality can be gleaned from medieval cinematic fantasy. I tell them that fantasy does not aspire to historical verisimilitude. But it can reflect medieval conflicts, values and norms. The first
Triumphant return: Rania Farid Shawki captivates audiences in new play
After a five-year hiatus from the stage, renowned Egyptian actress Rania Farid Shawki receives nightly acclaim for her performance in “Not Romeo and Juliet,” currently showing at the National Theater. Shawki, who began her illustrious career in theatre, expresses her
‘Al Serb’ will be remembered as remarkable film: Nelly Karim – Dailynewsegypt
My directorial debut is on the horizon
Exploring Egypt’s Female Box Office Stars – Dailynewsegypt
Throughout the rich history of Egyptian cinema, male artists have consistently dominated the box office, drawing large audiences and achieving impressive revenues. However, female stars, despite their ability to generate significant income through their cinematic works, have often been overlooked.
Hani Ramzy reflects on his TV comeback, reveals potential cinema return – Dailynewsegypt
I always strive to discuss social, political issues in my works