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SCO CHG Chair Shehbaz Sharif Urges Member States to Prioritise Cooperation, Address Global Challenges

Pakistan Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, as chair of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation’s Council of Heads of Government (CHG), called on member states to prioritise cooperation and address global challenges during his concluding remarks at the 23rd CHG meeting in Islamabad on 16 October.

“We are at a historic moment of transition, where sweeping transformations are reshaping the global social, political, economic, and security landscapes,” Sharif said. “From this esteemed platform of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)—a beacon of multilateralism—I stand resolute in the belief, that we possess, not only the potential, but the collective will, to forge a future that is more prosperous, stable, and secure for our people.”

Sharif highlighted the progress made during Pakistan’s chairmanship in 2023-2024, including the adoption of the Joint Communiqué, which reflects the shared commitment to fostering sustainable and inclusive economic growth, leveraging enhanced connectivity, and adopting forward-thinking mechanisms for green development.

He also emphasised the importance of regional cooperation in addressing the challenges facing the SCO region, including poverty, climate change, and unilateral coercive measures.

“Poverty is not just an economic issue; it is a moral imperative that demands our collective attention,” he said. “With millions living in poverty within the SCO region, closer cooperation on poverty alleviation is critical.”

Sharif also stressed the urgency of tackling climate change, particularly in light of Pakistan’s recent devastating floods in 2022. “Climate change is an existential crisis that transcends borders,” he said. “Its impacts are felt universally, but more acutely by nations like Pakistan, which is on the frontline of climate-induced disasters.”

He urged member states to actively engage in regional and global environmental efforts, noting that Pakistan has developed a proactive, technology-driven disaster management system that it is willing to share with SCO partners.

On the issue of unilateral coercive measures, Sharif said they “run contrary to the principles of international law,” stifling economic growth, hindering technological advancements, and exacerbating inequality. He urged the establishment of an SCO alternative development funding mechanism to provide impetus for stalled development projects and welcomed the decision by the SCO Council of Heads of State to establish financial support mechanisms for project implementation.

Sharif also stressed the importance of regional connectivity projects such as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), and the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC). He urged member states to invest in developing road, rail, and digital infrastructure that enhances integration and cooperation across the region.

He also emphasised the importance of promoting business and investment within the SCO region, commending the Pakistan Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry for its collaborative efforts with SCO Ministers of External in Islamabad to facilitate productive dialogues that strengthen economic ties.

Sharif expressed support for the use of mutual currencies for settlements within the SCO, noting that the SCO Interbank Union is an appropriate forum to address banking challenges. He also highlighted the role of the SCO Consortium of Economic Analytic Think Tanks as a key platform for scholars to enrich regional economic frameworks.

“Pakistan firmly believes that a stronger, more effective SCO is essential to achieving sustainable development in our region,” Sharif said. “We wholeheartedly endorse the ongoing reforms aimed at modernising the organisation, enhancing the resources and capabilities of the SCO Secretariat and the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure.”

He also emphasised the importance of fostering people-to-people ties and cultural exchanges within the SCO. “But let us not forget, the true essence of the SCO extends beyond political alliances and economic partnerships,” Sharif said. “It is the rich mosaic of our cultures, the diversity of our people, that forms the heart of this organisation.”

Sharif concluded by reaffirming Pakistan’s commitment to the SCO and its values, highlighting the importance of unity and shared purpose in building lasting legacies for all member states.


The post SCO CHG Chair Shehbaz Sharif Urges Member States to Prioritise Cooperation, Address Global Challenges appeared first on Dailynewsegypt.

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