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SCO Summit to promote regional cooperation, trade: Pakistan’s Tarar

Pakistan’s Federal Minister for Information, Broadcasting, National Heritage and Culture Attaullah Tarar has said that the upcoming Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit will be a platform to promote regional cooperation, trade, and financial integrity among member states.

Speaking at a media workshop organised by the China Media Group ahead of the SCO summit, Tarar expressed his confidence that the summit would boost Pakistan’s image and its future prospects, particularly at a time when the country is seeing positive developments in its economy.

“At a time when good news is coming regarding the national economy and fruits of economic development have started reaching the people, hosting the SCO summit will promote Pakistan’s image and its future prospects,” he said.

The minister highlighted the importance of the SCO as a key forum for regional cooperation, calling it an honour for Pakistan to host the summit. He said the summit would also address counter-terrorism measures and regional security issues. Tarar recalled the sacrifices made by Pakistan in the fight against terrorism, saying over 80,000 Pakistani citizens were martyred in the war.

“Over 80,000 Pakistani citizens were martyred in the anti-terrorism war, which was meant to make the world a safer place,” he said. “We hope that regional cooperation in counter-terrorism will promote peace in the region.”

Tarar also stressed the importance of regional cooperation to address the challenges posed by climate change, particularly in light of Pakistan’s vulnerability to the effects of global warming. He noted that Pakistan’s share of toxic gas emissions is less than one percent, but it has borne the brunt of climate change’s damage in the form of floods and cyclones.

“We have to bear the brunt of climate change’s damage in the form of floods and cyclones,” he said. “Regional cooperation and a collective approach are important in dealing with climate change. With the cooperation of regional countries, we can work on the climate change agenda.”

Tarar emphasized the need for long-term peace in the Middle East and the importance of addressing the Palestinian issue, stating that Pakistan has always advocated for promoting peace at the SCO forum.

“In the Astana SCO summit, we highlighted the issue of Palestine, and it is important to discuss the issue of Palestine in this meeting of the SCO,” he said. “Without long-term peace in the Middle East, there can be no peace in the world.”

The minister condemned the ongoing violence and war crimes against Palestinians, calling for a ceasefire.

“The world should admit that there was genocide of innocent Palestinians in Palestine, and war crimes are being committed. We raised an effective voice on the issue of Palestine at the SCO and UN General Assembly forums,” he said. “Peace in the region is possible only through collective efforts.”

He added that peace in the Middle East was crucial for global stability, and that it was the responsibility of the civilised world to ensure an early ceasefire.

Tarar also expressed optimism about Pakistan’s economic progress, citing positive economic indicators such as increasing remittances and IT exports.

“Economic indicators of Pakistan are improving, and hosting the SCO summit at this point will prove beneficial for Pakistan,” he said. “During the last quarter, remittances worth $8.8 billion were received in the country, and IT exports in the last quarter have reached $3.8 billion.”

Tarar highlighted the importance of the digital economy for Pakistan, and the potential for regional integration through digital technologies.

“About 68% of Pakistan’s population consists of youth, and a large number of them are freelancers. The digital economy is very important for the country. Moreover, he said that the regional countries could be integrated through digital technologies,” he said.

He also acknowledged the economic support provided by China, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, which helped finalise an agreement with the International Monetary Fund.

He said the government’s economic measures have led to a decrease in interest rates and an increase in investment.

“Thanks to the economic measures taken by the government, the interest rate has decreased, and investment has increased,” he said. “For a better and brighter future of the region, focus should be on increasing digital economy, trade, and investment.”

Tarar also emphasized the need for increased financial integration and economic cooperation among SCO member states.

“Pakistan, due to its strategic location, could become a hub of regional trade, including central Asian states. There is a need for more financial integration and economic cooperation among the member states of the SCO,” he said.

He called for greater cultural exchanges and people-to-people contacts among SCO member countries.

“With more cooperation among the member states of the SCO, the people of the region could be taken to prosperity,” Tarar said.

The post SCO Summit to promote regional cooperation, trade: Pakistan’s Tarar appeared first on Dailynewsegypt.

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